When you are planning to take your infant on their first outdoor adventure it may seem like a daunting task. Many parents try to bring along just about everything that they have ever purchased for the baby. All you really need to bring, are the essentials for your baby. The list below includes all of the necessary items you need for any outdoor trip with your infant. Whether you are going camping or just taking a day trip to the park these items are essential.

  • Diapers

It’s obvious that for an infant you will need to bring along plenty of diapers to get you through the day. If you are taking a day trip to a location, than you will only need to bring a limited amount of diapers. By now you should know how many diapers your baby goes through in one day. You should bring that number of diapers plus three additional diapers for emergencies. One thing that you can never have too much of are diapers. If you will be away longer than a day, like on a camping trip than you may want to take along a large pack of diapers. For long trips many parents find it beneficial to purchase the larger boxes that sell about 80 to 100 diapers. This will ensure that you have enough for your outdoor adventure.

  • Bottle Warmers

These items definitely help to make moms life easier even if you are breast feeding. Some women who are breastfeeding choose to pump out some of their milk if they will be taking day trips. If you just plan to nurse when necessary then you can skip this step. A bottle warmer can be purchased at any target or Wal-Mart store for about $10. You should buy more than one depending on how long you are going to be away. For a day trip two is usually enough. These bottle warmers are great for warming up your bottle. They also have special warmers that are perfect for campsites.

  • Plenty of formula or nursing items

If you are nursing your baby than you will only need the items that help you to nurse comfortably. Whatever you use at home when nursing, you should bring along. This usually includes your nursing pillow, and blanket. If you formula feed your baby or nurse and formula feed than you will need to make sure you have enough. The ready made liquid formula is a bit more expensive but makes it easier to manage when on outdoor trips with your baby. These liquid versions require you to just attach a nipple or pour into a bottle and they are ready to use. Since most infants eat every two hours make sure you bring along enough to last for your entire outdoor trip. The ready to use formula and the powder formula are also great because they don’t have to be kept cool. Different boat accessories are made available to the purchasers for the benefits. For success, these boat accessories should be selected as per the requirement within a budget. The formula should be strong to meet with the specifications. The cost should be less to deliver the right results with the correct decision.

  • Wipes are essential for any outdoor trip with an infant

It is usually a good idea to bring along at least 4 travel packs for a day trip. Most travel packs are small in size so you will need several to take along with you. If you will be along for longer like on a camping trip for a few days than you should also purchase a re-fill wipe pack. These will usually last you a few days. This is definitely one item that I made sure I never left home without, when venturing out with my infant.

  • Disposable diaper bags

Disposable diaper bags or regular supermarket plastic bags are essential for an outdoor trip with an infant. You will need a place to put all of those dirty diapers. It is usually easier to purchase the disposable diaper bags which are sold at most stores. These come in packs of about 20 or more. This amount should be more than enough to make it through the day, and the box fits easily in your diaper bag without taking up too much space.

  • Small cooler

This is a good idea to bring along with a few ice paces inside. This will help you to store any left over formula that you may have. Once you have mixed your formula you will need to keep it cool so that it does not spoil. It also helps to avoid wasting any leftover milk. If you are nursing you can skip this step.

  • Bottle of hand sanitizer

This is a necessity for parents after those messy diaper changes. Remember that when you are out on day trips a bathroom is not always close by. It is usually best to disinfect your hands good after each diaper change and prior to touching the baby. You can find nice travel size bottles just about anywhere. One bottle should be enough for a day trip. For longer trips you may wan to get a medium size bottle of hand sanitizer.

  • Toys

You will need a few toys that can help to keep your child’s attention. This includes those that attach to the babies carrier and a few books. You don’t need to bring all their toys, but a few that will fit nicely into your bag should be enough.

  • Change of clothes, bibs and other essential items

All infants need to have several changes of clothing in their diaper bag. If you will be out for the day it is usually a good idea to bring along at least three clean complete outfits. This means that you want to bring along a change of socks as well. Included with the clothes should be at least 3 to 4 bibs for a day trip, a few burp clothes, and two blankets. If you are going on a camping trip for a few days than you may need a few more items. Remember whatever you use during a normal day is what you will need. You should also make sure to bring a hat that will keep the sun out of your baby’s eyes.

  • Skin Protection

Whenever you venture out with your infant you will need to make sure that their skin is well protected. This will mean bringing along sunscreen. Most sunscreens can only be applied to a baby’s skin once they are six months old. If your infant is younger than six months, you can put light weight clothing on them that will keep their skin covered. Or you can place then in a carrier that has a protective sun cover. When it comes to bug spray that are some that are made for babies that are at least two months old. Be sure to read the labels carefully when choose anything for your baby’s skin. Those are the basic items that you need for your baby when going on a day trip or any time of outdoor trip. Remember with proper planning your trip can be a lot of fun and stress free for the whole family.