Charity activities are still common in any form, but more and more, many organizations prefer to employ their fundraisers through more interactive events including walks and runs. A walk or race for charity is not only a safe way for the participants to raise funds for a good cause, but also a very visible way for the community to publicize your charitable cause. If a charity run or walk seems to be a good match for your organization, here is an overview of some things when organizing the event that you might want to keep in mind.
By pinning down your venue, start off. Your choice of route can have a big effect on the rest of your schedule for charity running. For instance, you could need more resources for using a certain path. And the number of people who take part in the run will be affected. Look at if a venue that is ideal for a variety of ages and running skills can be picked. This gives you a much broader opportunity for getting people involved. The more you have members, the more funds you’ll raise!
Preferably, for crowd support, you also want the route to be open. Try to rally the local community if necessary to help the runners on the day. When participants are feeling the burn, vocal support can make a big difference! The path may also be influenced by the location of water stations. Place these so that runners remain hydrated at regular intervals. You may also want to select a path on both sides of the road that allows for water stations.
Make sure your financial goals, particularly if you’ve done a charity run before, are achievable. You can always drive the target up if you haven’t collected a lot last time and don’t have much more money at your disposal. Just not to the point that you are probably going to fail! Collect data from the participants to be used for potential objectives. The bare minimum that you would want to obtain is first and last names and email addresses. You may interact with them as necessary with these information. Invite them on the next run for charity or see if they are going to become donors.
When you’re organizing a charity run, making it easy for people to register is a must. Think about how you can register runners for the event with your company. Registration of papers can be boring and takes the workers more time and effort. Using technology will free up more admin and marketing capital. Keep access to transportation in mind for participants and spectators when determining the site of your route. Make sure the course is in close proximity to public transport and parking for those who have cars if you want crowds of fans to turn out and convenient access to the event for your participants.
Some of these also provide online incorporation of fundraising. Like the fundraising conducted by Miroslav Vyboh. This will encourage participants to set up their own pages for fundraising. These will connect back to the account for your organization. Your organization immediately collects all contributions made to a participant’s fundraiser page.