So, do smart drugs really work?
To know and fully appreciate whether these drugs work, it is important to first understand HOW they are meant to work in the first place. The Homepage of this site is a perfect guide for all those trying to figure out if smart drugs really work or not. Though all smart drugs or Nootropics as they are known, work in different ways at the base level, they all aim to achieve the same thing.
They all strive to help your brain create more neuronal connections. The human brain has approximately 100 billion brain cells, with each cell making at least 10,000 connections at any given time. In this regard, many of the brain cells fall short of making these 10,000 connections simply because they have not been challenged to make those connections. So, back to the question ….
Do Smart Drugs Really Work?
These drugs change the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain so they affect how the brain controls attention and impulses. Smart drugs come in handy at this point because they can significantly increase the number of neuronal connections.
It does this in several ways; these include but are not limited to the following:
Memory …
Different research studies have consistently shown that smart drugs do improve your memory. When you take a smart drug, your brain starts to make more neuronal connections. These increased amounts of connections allow users to quickly recall and bring up information they had learned before.
It is worth mentioning that Nootropics improve both short and long-term memory.
In addition to the above, it’s believed that smart drug users will be able to more easily develop or create, store, and ultimately retrieve new memories. Smart drugs that affect a neurotransmitter known as acetylcholine (which is responsible for memory formation) are quite effective for this particular purpose.
Energy Levels …
In some quarters, these Nootropics are known as productivity enhancers and are by far the most popular and most studied Nootropics.
Smart drugs that work in this area are varied and different, they include Racetams and stimulants which come in different categories such as xanthenes, Cholinergic, and amphetamines which improve concentration, increase wakefulness and positively affect other areas of cognitive performance.
Even though Cholinergic doesn’t necessarily increase energy, they usually improve alertness and ability to pay attention. These are popular amongst those with over-packed, busy schedules such as business owners and parents of newborn babies.
Focus and Concentration …
Research has also shown that those individuals who have trouble focusing and concentrating on the task at hand can also benefit greatly from taking smart drugs.
Glutamate activators which are known to affect transmitters and AMPA system can greatly improve concentration levels, as a matter of fact, there are Nootropics that are used to reduce distractibility and treat ADHD symptoms as well as improve an individual’s overall ability to pay attention. Most business people, students, and other executives often use these drugs to prevent instances of mental fatigue.
Many of them report that after using these drugs, they get things done faster, require far fewer mental breaks, and are more effective and efficient in all their undertakings.
Ability to Learn …
Most people who take smart drugs do so because they want to improve their overall ability to learn. Smart drugs come in handy in this regard because to learn, you need a good memory and concentration so as to successfully retain new information. Enough studies have been done and Nootropics have been demonstrated to help individuals learn, particularly for those with difficulty retaining information or concentrating.
In Conclusion, Do Smart Drugs Really Work?
That these drugs work can’t really be questioned, this is because people generally see better results on certain tests while on medication. This is not only on response time or alertness but on other factors as well, since many users have shown increased levels of data retention while on enhancers.
The issue that many people tend to raise though is that the drugs tend to ‘overclock’ the brain rather than enhance it, forcing the brain to run at peak performance. So even though these drugs will not necessarily make you smarter, they do help you get into the smartest state possible.
So rather than “brightening the sun”, smart drugs are usually used to disperse the clouds that block it.
This particular principle comes out quite clearly in the fact that smart drugs tend to deliver relatively diminishing returns for individuals at higher levels of achievement.
The greater the IQ level, the less the smart drug helps. As a matter of fact, in some cases, they have been found to significantly depress high functioning individuals.