In The Swim specializes in automatic pool cleaners, but with over 100 different models to choose from, making the right choice can be tough. Today’s blog post will hopefully assist you in narrowing down your pool cleaner options by focusing on the features and benefits of each. The first step in narrowing down the many possibilities is to choose between inground and aboveground pool cleaners. Within these two types, you could choose from robotic pool cleaners that are driven by water pressure, water suction, or reduced voltage power.
It’s easy to become overwhelmed in the realm of automatic pool cleaners because there are so many alternatives. Before you start looking at specific brands, think about the fundamentals of how cleaners work to figure out what type you want. Let’s break down the various subgroups of cleaners based on how they work, and then show you some of our most famous cleaners in each category. Above-ground pool mowers are designed to work with a level bottom and no deep end. They can run with lower flow and cheaper layouts because they don’t have to climb walls. Excluding the Polaris 65, the majority of the cleaners listed so far are suction cleaners.
For larger pools, hose length may be an issue, although extension sections can be purchased if necessary. Subterranean pool cleaners are very fairly priced and simple to install. Olympic – sized pool cleaners are designed to climb out of the nearest bridge to clean and scrub the sloped roofs and steps. They’re also speedier than their above-ground counterparts, allowing them to clean higher amounts more rapidly. The other olympic – sized pool cleaners, except the G3 cleanser below, are driven by water pressure. For totally independent and autonomous pool cleaning, the 360 relies on filter flow rate, while the 380 and Legend use a boosters pump and timed clock.
Before we get into the different types of pool cleaners, let’s go over the distinctions between a “in ground flooring installer” and a “above underground pool cleaner.” Because in-ground pools are often larger than above-ground pools, in-ground pool cleaners are designed to handle higher numbers. Your preexisting pump and filter system provide power to suction side cleaners. The cleaner connects to either your skimmer port or a separate suction line. The debris picked up by the cleaner is pulled through the pipe and into the impeller hopper as it goes around the pool. If your pool has a lot of leafy detritus, you’ll want to invest in an in-line strainer. The vacuum hose can be attached to our Hayward Large Capacity In-line canisters immediately before the skimmer. They have a huge debris trap or sack on hand.
Computerized pool cleaners — once you’ve made your choice, your life will be a lot easier! Give us a call right now for expert guidance on the best cleaner for your pool. You’ll get a professional pool person on the other end who will help you navigate through all the possibilities.