You know you have had a successful vacation when you return home, pleased because you got to see and do all the things you planned. Included in the following list are tips about discounts, maps, medicine and sights, that will make trips for senior citizens more affordable, and may even amaze your friends that you are able to find out so much about the places you go. Best of all, you will know you had a successful vacation.
General Guidelines
1. Make a list of things to take on this trip. Print it out and check things off as they are packed or added to your carry on.
2. If you are taking a laptop computer, carry it with you. This will protect it from being broken or stolen.
3. Remember all medicines. Keep a two-day set with you in case your luggage is misplaced or lost.
4. Keep a copy of your prescriptions with you. This will alert any medical professionals, should you need assistance, and make it easier to refill a prescription.
5. Ask about discounts for the credit cards or membership cards you have.
6. If you are an AAA member, visit them for maps. They can also let you know about any special events.
7. Call to confirm your reservations, and to check for any changes on departure times.
8. Carry your medical insurance card. Check with your medical carrier to find out what kind of coverage and assistance is available at your destination.
9. Make a list of the different places you want to visit. Contact museums, galleries, theatres, and amusement parks for updates on prices and hours. Remember to ask about discounts. Let them know you’re a senior citizen.
10. Call the Chamber of Commerce in the area you are visiting to check on public transportation. Ask for a tourist packet.
11. Make a “My Trip” calendar on the computer. Include phone numbers you need. Print it out and take it with you.
12. If you plan on paying with your American Express card, contact them at 1-800-492-3344 to find out the many benefits when you pay by AMEX, including car rental and travel insurance.
‘When you’re flying’ add-ons
13. Wear slip-on shoes, sandals, or Velcro fastening shoes to make going through the TA security check easier. Walgreens now carries inexpensive slip-on shoes, and they give an AARP discount on some items.
14. Weigh your luggage on the bathroom scale when you are done packing. This will help indicate if you need to leave some things. Remove the heaviest items first