Chinchillas are little furry animals that are increasingly becoming popular as exotic pets and I want a baby chinchilla and there is a good reason for that. Chinchillas are cute and cuddly animals that make for great pets. They are low on maintenance and give you company for years. If you own a chinchilla or planning to keep one as a pet then you must learn all about their feeding habits to give the best possible diet and care. In their natural habitat chinchillas feed on fruits and vegetables with equal relish. Plus they are not fussy about what they eat. This makes it easy to adapt to the diet of your choice. Here are some feeding tips for Chinchillas:
1) Diet –
A chinchilla enjoys leafy and juicy vegetables. You can give him common vegetables like broccoli, parsley, collard green, carrots, alfalfa sprouts, and other vegetables.
You can also feed him pellets that are made specifically for chinchillas. These pellets are rich in nutrients that will help his growth. An average-sized chinchilla needs about two tablespoons of these pellets every day. And even if you put more pellets in his bowl he won’t overheat. So you don’t have to worry about feeding him just the right quantity. He will eat only to get full and then stop eating.
These pellets are available in most pet stores. If you cannot find them in your local store, you can order them through the internet.
2) Hay –
Along with food, you also need to put some hay in your chinchilla’s cage. The chinchillas’ teeth grow throughout his lifespan so he feels the urge to nibble on something to wear them down. If you do not put wood or hay in his cage, he will start feeling pain after a few days and will get increasingly restless.
You can give your chinchilla different types of hay such as wheat hay, oat hay, Timothy hay, and many more. You can also give him alfalfa hay from time to time but since it contains a lot of protein and calcium you must not give it in excess of it could lead to health problems.
3) Feeding mechanism and schedule –
You can keep the food inside a bowl in the chinchilla’s cage. Take care that the bowl is heavy so that the chinchilla cannot turn it over. And you must ensure that the bowl is not made of plastic or light wood or else the chinchilla may nibble on it and get hurt. You may also feed your chinchilla through a feeder with a hopper attached to the side of the cage.
You must form a feeding schedule for your chinchilla and feed him at the same time every day. These animals love routines and any change in schedule can cause them stress so take care not to break the feeding schedule.