For people who prefer to use credit cards, it is important to locate those considered best. Although “best” is something unique to each person, perhaps low interest, outstanding rewards, or 12-month 0% introductory rate, the key to finding the right card is to spend adequate time to research different options and then make comparisons. One such card that has caught the attention of millions is the Chase Freedom credit card.
You can make a comparison among the Credit Repair Companies with other companies to have the best balance. There are plenty of options and features available to the people to have the best rewards and awards. The finding of the correct card is possible with a comparison.
This particular credit card has a number of features that have made it a stop choice but the 5% cash back rewards program is without doubt at the top of the list. If you were to look at other cash back credit cards, you would find the majority are set up at 1%, with a few at 2%. Therefore, finding a credit card that offers 5% cash back seems too good to be true. Then when you consider this is a Chase credit card, you not only have the incredible cash back benefits but also get to use a card backed by a bank with a solid reputation around the globe.
The way the Chase Freedom credit card is set up is that 1% cash back would be earned on all purchases made. However, in quarterly bonuses, you earn 5% cash back in a variety of categories, which occasionally change. For instance, airline travel, hotels, groceries, gasoline, and even home improvement are examples of categories for the cash back rewards.
However, along with this, the Chase Freedom credit card also provides a 0% introductory rate for a full 12 months, another offering that is hard to find. In addition to this Annual Percentage Rate applying on new purchases, it would also be enjoyed on balance transfers. At the end of the introductory period, the Annual Percentage Rate would be set between 12.99% and 22.99% based on credit history and a few other factors.
Although these benefits of the Chase Freedom credit card are enough to make a difference this credit card also comes with no annual fee and there are no limitations on spending tiers in connection with the 1% cash back offer for all purchases. In addition, you could earn a $100 bonus associated with the cash back program after spending $799 in purchases within the first three months, and additional 10% cash back is offered whenever you make online purchases through select merchants through Chase.